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Specifications required for quotes of cold rooms and cold stores
You will need to submit a sketch or drawing showing the dimensions required for the cold room or cold store as well as other relevant details for submission to Refrigeration Equipment Depot.
What is the thickness of the walls, ceiling and floor?
Polyurethane panels camlocks are available in 3" and 4" thicknesses and are assembled with a cam-friction system camlocks (see spec sheet below). Joints between panels combined with friction cams form a water and vapor tight seal.
The freezer room must have an insulated floor paneled on the slab or recessed in a depression, unless it is installed on an insulated concrete slab.
What will be the external height of the cold room or cold store?
The standard height is 8'-0".
What will be the interior and exterior finish of the cold room or cold store?
The standard finish is 26 ga white prepainted steel. 24 ga stainless steel SS #4 Type 304 or Type 316 is also available. Type 316 stainless steel is more corrosion resistant and is used in salty environments.
Does the insulated floor need to be reinforced to withstand intensive use with heavy weights, forklifts or heavy shelves?
The standard floor supports a weight of 200 lbs/sq.ft. Please consult our technical department for the construction details of a reinforced floor according to the requested load. The floor is reinforced by adding a plywood inside the panel. You can also add a non-slip aluminum checker plate to also increase its resistance to high loads with 1'' spacers to promote air circulation.
The standard cold room or cold store includes:
A hinged door overlap 34" x 78" high. The door is available in several widths and heights.
A thermometer.
A switch.
A light vapor-proof with protective cage (optional).
A heating element (door freezer only).
A pressure relief valve Fan port (freezer door only).
Door bumpers available (12", 24" or 44" high) in 16 ga SS #4 T-304 stainless steel on the bottom of the door (interior and exterior).
Do you want an exterior or interior ramp to access the cold room or cold store?
The cold room or refrigerated warehouse must be installed with a minimum clearance of 1" between the insulated panels and the walls of the building, to avoid condensation and to ensure ventilation.
Condensing units and evaporating units.
The condensing units are of the hermetic, air-cooled type.
Water cooled units as well as packaged units are also available.
Will the condensing unit (compressor) be installed indoors or outdoors?
Will the condensing unit be installed on top of the cold room or cold store, or in a remote mechanical room?
What will be the operating temperature of the cold room or cold store?
What will be the kind of product and the product load to be refrigerated or frozen?
What voltage is available locally for the connection?
Most condensing units run on the 208-230/1/60 or 208-230/3/60.
An electronic temperature control system is available, including:
Lighting control
Temperature display
Display of alarms
Interior lighting of the cold room or the cold store:
Fluorescent fixtures with 48" tubes or LED fixtures.
Door types are available:
Sliding doors for refrigerators or freezers.
Double leaf hinged doors.
Doors Impact doors single or double leaf.
Glass doors on branded hinges Tecnodor.
Recessed hinged doors.
Door with 15" x 20" heated or unheated viewing window.
Frames for walls with thermos glass (made to measure)
Wall surface protection bumper
Pedals for hands-free access
Door closers
PVC slat curtains
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